Friday, 8 May 2015

Comparing stories: Ricky Dearman's interview on BBC

BBC NEWS Victoria Derbyshire meets satanic cult leader and Hampstead Children live

Warning: Not For Children...

Published on Apr 29, 2015

A comparison between Ricky Dearman's version of events concerning the Hampstead Ritual Abuse case and those of his children. This video examines the horrific allegations of sexual abuse by Dearman and his friends in communal and disabled changing-rooms at Finchley swimming pool. The video contains footage from BBC's Victoria Derbyshire Show and from the children's ABE interviews with the police.

Warning: Not For Children...Although not visually graphic, this video contains references to child sexual abuse, violence, child cocaine use and murder. The children's identities have been disguised although the original videos are freely available on the web for further investigation.

Ella Draper has been forced into hiding whilst Dearman remains free, due to a travesty of justice perpetuated by abusers and a parasitic group of corrupt officials in the United Kingdom. The children are being held against their will by Social Services and are denied access to their innocent mother and loving Russian grandparents.

Unbelievably, their father (said to be the cult leader and their main abuser) is allowed contact despite the allegations by his children that he is a child pornographer and sadistic killer.

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